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A Directory of Archives useful for history of Archaeology Research.
Summary by Clare Lewis
Based in the Sackler Library in Oxford the Griffith Institute, established in 1939, is home to an important set of Egyptology resources. The archive evolved from the first Egyptology Professor at Oxford, F Ll Griffith’s (1862-1934) papers and excavation records. Sir Alan Gardiner (1879-1963) donated many antiquarian manuscripts and the archive has continued to benefit from the donation of various materials. The Institute holds, amongst others, the papers of Sir Alan H. Gardiner, Battiscombe Gunn (1883-1950) and Jaroslav Černý (1898-1970) and the records made by Howard Carter (1874-1939) during his excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamun. The archive now consists of over 130 manuscript groups from Egyptology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies. The digital catalogue includes some transcripts, for example of Flinders Petrie's excavation journals. There is also a microsite for the diary of Minnie Burton, wife of Harry Burton, photographer for Howard Carter in Egypt during the Tutankhamun excavations. The Griffith Institute has also recently acquired the diary of Jenny Lane, who as maid to Lucy Renshaw accompanied Amelia Edwards and Renshaw to Egypt in the 1870s. Scope of the collection Scholarly papers, nineteenth century photographs, paintings, squeezes, rubbings and drawings. The complete original excavation records from the tomb of Tutankhamun form a core group. Website: Blog: Facebook: Digital Catalogue: Relevant Contacts Elizabeth Fleming, Topographical Bibliography & Archive Assistant Cat Warsi, Administrator & Archive Assistant Further Reading Stevenson, A. 2015. The object of study: Egyptology, archaeology, and anthropology at Oxford, 1860-1960. In Carruthers, W. (ed.), Histories of Egyptology: Interdisciplinary Measures. New York; London: Routledge. p. 19-33. Comments are closed.
January 2021